Saturday, May 23, 2009

Dorothy's dairy Mongolian Ghur and Barbeque

Barnsley Fans outside a Mongolian Ghur

Friday 15th and Saturday 16th May

We travelled back towards the Khogno Khan Mountains. It stated to rain but I was only a shower and we were travelling so we didn’t get wet.We arrived at our accommodation which was a Mongolian Ghur.

The Ghur is a round tent and inside around the perimeter were six beds. In the middle was a wood burner which acted as a heater and cooker. Bayra soon got it going which was very good as it was still very windy and cold. Laziz started making some rice soup for lunch. We were supposed to be going horse riding but it was too windy so we declined. We all opted for a lazy afternoon instead. Fresh air and driving over rough terrain work wonders. The owner of the Ghur came in to stoke up the heater with dry dung. He didn’t use any tongs just his bare hands.We were amazed that it didn’t smell.

We weren’t sure where we were all going to sleep as the Ghur next door was supposed to be booked by someone else but after discussion with the owner it was decided to have a girls Ghur and a boys Ghur. The only problem was that next door was only for three people and there were four girls. I suggested that Joan Merrill and Bagi slept next door and I slept with the men. As it worked out Bayra and Mishka slept in the vans so there were only three men and me.

We didn’t have to dig our own facilities. There was a double facilty about two hundred metres from the Ghur. You could choose the shape of the hole one was rectangle and one was triangular. The rectangular one was better if you weren’t quite sure of your aim.

The whole thing was quite an experience.

We had a quick breakfast and the set off back to UB. The wind had dropped but it was still cold. Laziz had made sandwiches for lunch so that we didn’t have to stop on the way back. We wanted to get back to UB for shopping and Museum visits.

We are going out tonight to a Mongolian Barbeque Restaurant. Watch this space and I will enlighten you. 

Fantastic Meal. All you could eat for 13.900 togrogs about £7.00. A salad and soup bar.

Meats and Veg were all arrayed in dishes you take a bowl and fill it with anything and then take niothr bowl and fill with the sauce of your choice eg. Lemon, Ginger, Peanut, Soy, then you can add some spices. You then take it to the barbeque, which is a circular hot stone. The chef will then cook your meat and veg and add your sauce and serve it on a plate. You can go back as many times as you please.

Bagi joined us. She has only worked for Imaginative Traveller for two months and is quite shy, so we hopefully encouraged her.

As we have an early start tomorrow we went back to the guesthouse to finish packing.